My dad always told me when I was little to dont always believe what people tell you....he said to go and see it first hand and then you can believe it.......Colombia simply gets a bad rap in the American Media........
Now, I'm not claiming that Colombia is a perfect place....but what I am claiming is that while in Colombia I experienced some of the most amazing things I have ever experienced in my life.....for example I am simply amazed at the spirit of the Colombian culture, a spirit that comes from people that dont have much cash but a spirit from their family and friends that is almost contagious......
Case in point is Enelio, anyone who has been around this individual knows that he is a big soft hearted giant that's first instinct is to help. I found that may people leave Colombia for other countries and sent money back (many go to Spain) to their families. But, not only does Enelio send money to his family and friends he also frequently visits back to his friends and community that he was raised in. I cant say enough on the experience that he allowed me to have on this trip, he has made me into a better person in the process and our friendship has reached a level that I can honestly say I love him like a brother!
This trip has left me with a quest to experience even more as well as learn Spanish so when I go back I can communicate (I'm still not interested in learning salsa....even a dance studio cant help this coordination). This trip has also left me with a renewed vigor of the United States and its past, present....and future!
Here are some of the final pictures I will post from the trip.....
1. Here are some pictures I took on the way home
Here is a picture of Panama before landing
Above is the breakfast after leaving Colombia on the airplane....Pancakes and none other than chicken!
Picture flying out of Cali, I would guess this is Palmeria
2. I kept saying I hadnt seen a wreck all week, well I got to see one on the way to the airport, a truck packed with fruit
3. Before leaving we went around to say our goodbyes around Amime
Above is our dear friend Felix at the Salsa Club...I couldnt pass up this picture!
This picture is of the salsa Colombia it's Salsa 24/7!
4. On the Night of New Years Day we went up to El paraiso in the mountians. Below is a pic from El paraiso looking down on worries about the smoke, that is a sugar cane field being cultivated!
5. On New Year's Day we were able to go to Enelio's Friend Claudia's Family Farm in Santa Elena it could easily be one of the best places on earth....except for the mosquitos!

From the farm looking towards the mountians
From the farm looking towards the mountians
This was the group that went to the farm, I couldnt have asked for a better day!
A picture of the house on the farm
Nothing like laying in the hammock and eating fresh mandirin oranges off the tree!
6. I have to say I got a little brave on the morning of New Year's Day and took a trip to the internet cafe at the end of the street by was closed and on the walk back I got a little nervous. These guys stopped me, offered me a drink and we hung out for almost an hour and after eating some ice cream they bought me I got back to Enelio's house.....needless to say he thought I had been kidnapped.....these folks may truely be the friendlyest on earth!
My new found about my farmers tan!
Dont ask me how it worked but this was the guy selling the ice cream
7. On the last night at Enelio's I had a couple of new friends come and visit me in my bed.... as you can see below they were not greeted by me with open arms......
The former Amigo7. On the last night at Enelio's I had a couple of new friends come and visit me in my bed.... as you can see below they were not greeted by me with open arms......
8. New Year's, I am not going to use to many words to describe this but one word does work......unsafe!
This is one of my favorite families I met while in Colombia....good people!
No Comment....unsafe
After raising money for these fake people they stuffed them full of fireworks and lit them on fire.....nothing like dodging roman candles shooting at random.
The fake people were also paraded through the streets before being inflamed
Unsure of what was going on here
The saftey patrol.......I found that while completley out of control most Colombian families go back to their homes for midnight....again a very strong sense of family, as the ball dropped I was blessed by Enelio's mother...a special experience!
Enelio, Myself, and his Grandmother.....a special lady
9. On New Year's Eve the festivites begin with a soccer game in the community between the married guys and the single guys......BTW the single guys won 3-1
That's one large soccer player!
10. On a random note I got to see my first Cocoa Tree
The TreeCracking the Cocoa Open
We put that in our was sweet and inside of each pod was a cocoa "bean" that could be dried out to make chocolate