What another AMAZING experience. While I talked about some pretty wild things that occurred while in Colombia I have to say the MAJORITY of people in Colombia are some of the most kind people that I have had the experience to be around. In Colombia many of the people dont have alot of the luxuries that we have here in the US, what the Colombian people have that we dont is a ZEST for life, on top of that they live life to the fullest and love their family and friends and appreciate everything they have. I like this trip because I am able to give to other people but as many of you know when giving to others sometime the greatest lessons are learned by the giver and not the taker. Entering the gates of the US and seeing the stars and stripes flying high over Miami...I appreciate that....being able to turn on the heat/ac and have hot water...I appreciate that...being able to get in my vehicle to travel around in a safe community...I appreciate that. For me, as always, this trip allows me to focus on being more appreciative of what I have all the while not taking myself to seriously while also focusing on the love that I have for my friends and family. So my NYE was not a wild riot...I had a nice family meal with people that I hardly knew, but this simple meal along with the relationships I made taught me many things...This is why I love to travel...this is why I am "Just Living the Dream" :)!

My NYE Meal...After the meal we ate 12 grapes...and made a wish for everyone..each grape represented a month of the year...
Special thanks to Armando and his family as well as Fernando and his family for hosting me on this trip, thank you so much for providing me with so much love and hospitality, both of those families plan to come visit KY in the next two years...I will definately return the favor....."Mi casa, es tu casa"

Adios Amigo's!!