Sunday, January 2, 2011

Colombia Day 10

Well in short, I'm always it was an eventful trip back starting with the Avianca/Cali Airport Experience....Enelio and his family were put on standby because the airline overbooked the flight...unfair...yes...did anyone with the airline So while Enelio and his family will finally be coming back on Monday (they were supposed to be back Saturday Night) I was able to catch the scheduled flight to Miami. Even though I almost didnt make it because of the parties (this video was taken at 7:30 AM) that were going on in the road in Palmira from NYE. Once I got to Miami I found I wasnt in the clear as my flight to ATL was cancelled and I had to wait an additional four hours, get to ATL and make a made dash (complete with a train breaking down) from Gate A to Gate catch my flight to LEX which I arrived, minus my luggage, at 11 PM....Please enjoy the video..these folks would put Las Vegas out of business!

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