Today I awoke in Aminme with a host of new bug bites, but we headed directly to Fernando's in Palmira so I could shower (by bus). After a quick shower we headed out to watch Enelio play ball at one of his old gyms in Palmira...beleve it or not I got in on a little bit of the action. Many people (everyone in the gym) took picturs with Enelio (he's quite the celeb down here)! Not sure what is in store for tonight but I am ready for it! My bags are packed and with safe travels I will be back in the KY by tomorrow night...until then everyone have a safe and happy NYE!!!!

Enelio balling on the all tile "indoor" court

Me and Enelio on the court you can tell they are guarding me tight...btw I went 1-3...all from the three point line, and we won :)

Enelio with the local coach, and one of his former teamates

Enelio with all the guys..they actually stopped the game to take this one...

Outside of Palmira Indoor Courts

Our Favorite Snack...

If I die tonight...this is what got me :)