We spent this afternoon at a soccer game...as many of you know I'm not a huge fan of soccer but this is an annual game between the married men and the single men....just in case you wanted to know the single men won!!! After the game I spent some time with Felix and then we went back to Enelio's House where we met a bus that Sarah rented for us to take to the airport...we took 13 people to suprise Enelio!! He is here...safe and sound! Tonight Fernando is having a celebration for Enelio at his house in Palmira (about 10 minutes from Amaime)...as we speak music is blasting salsa music, people are clapping...and fireworks (dynamite) is going off in the street....and setting off car alarms.....wild times!!!

Soccer field...Enelio's Brother and kids!!

Great basketball court picture

Chucho and Malachi

A kid picking a fight he's not going to win

I gave Felix these shorts and this shirt two years ago....he is still pimping them!!

Felix's New ride...he's now a married man with a baby on the way!

Herman's Santa Claus looks a little stressed out...

Enelio's Parents with Michael and Malachi!!...and Chucho

Michael spending some QT with his Colombian Grandpa!

Malachi eating his health food!
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