A blog of Mr. Wells' Classroom. If you would like to leave a message just click on the word comment and type what you want to say. It then asks for an identity - choose other and then publish. You can email Mr. Wells at daniel.wells@scott.kyschools.us
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Finishing up the Trip in Style.......
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Houston....We have a problem.....
Friday, November 9, 2007
90 MPH ESCALATOR..........
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Houston at Night
I'm a genius.....not really
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Looks like I was wrong.....

3rd Hour....The Lunch Class :)
I began thinking about my statement today about Koala Bears and the fact that the eucalyptus that the eat puts the Koala's in a trance.....I was wrong, find why Koalas sleep all but 8 hours a day below.......(information retrieved from wikipedia)
Koalas have a slow metabolic rate due to their high-fiber, low nutrient diet. Because they store little or no fat, koalas must adopt strategies that conserve energy. Sleeping is one of them.Koalas sleep for up to 16 hours per day in order to conserve energy.A very slow metabolic rate optimizes its energy requirements and allows koalas to retain food within their digestive system for a relatively long period of time, maximizing the amount of extracted energy.

A not so happy start.....

Thursday, July 12, 2007
2007-2008 @ SCMS
The first day of school is just around the corner....Friday August 10th. Looks like we will get our first chance to meet our kiddos and their parents at the SCMS Orientation on August 7th, time TBA. Throughout the year I will be posting various class information on this website including the class syllabus as well as scoring rubrics for the projects that we will be doing this year. I am really looking forward to another great year at SCMS!!! Email me through the address above if you have any questions daniel.wells@scott.kyschools.us
Friday, April 13, 2007
Picks from the Airport
The ladies in Hong Kong are beautiful people!
Allie working in her journal before departing.
Sliva debriefing the group.
Barber and his host mom.
The last Good Morning from Hong Kong
Here is Dr. Peter Wong and Jen Patrick, Dr. Wong is filling Jen's Plate full of good food!
The view from the front door of our hotel room, check out what i s behind the glass.
Final Day in Hong Kong!
After lunch the second school we visited was also a religous affilated school located in inner city Kowloon (the town our hotel is in), Holy Carpenter Primary School . This primary school was a bit smaller with only around 400 students, this school is in the process of applying for the 2008 Invitational Schools Award, they showed us many great things that that do with their underprivilged students and parents. They had many great ideas on how to create an environment to allow their students to understand success so that they may accomplish it in their own lives both inside and outside of school. Tonight we will be meeting at 6:30 to go and have our farewell dinner with the Hong Kong Invitational Educatoin Delegation, I will probably get up a short post tonight and another quick one before we leave the hotel tomorrow. I will also post a reflection when I get back with some pictures of the trip home, I hope all have enjoyed, I also hope that all that are interested may too also travel with the Exchange Program in the near future. Take Care!-DTW
Below is a picture of the US Delegation with the Holy Carpenter Primary School Group. This is a picture of Dale and I and the principal of the school, Ms. Cheng Sze Sze.
Here is the teacher's work room at the school.
This is a view of the Harbor from the outside window of the school, quite impressive!
Here is another view of the Harbor from the school.
This is a picture from the school you can see how close the school is located to the harbor as well as see their basketball courts, their basketball team won the primary championship!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Wrapping up Another Great Day!
Here are our flight plans for coming home on Saturday.
Saturday April 14th
Depart Hong Kong 12:45 PM
Arrive in Chicago 2:20 PM
Depart Chicago 7:15 PM
Arrive in Lexington 9:35 PM
Aw Boon Basketball Camp
This morning Dale and I rolled out of bed and headed directly for the basketball court before 8:00. We set out for a 45 minute trip to the Aw Boon Secondary School for a English speaking basketball camp. At the camp there were around thirty campers and the instructor Mono was from Canada. Mano played for the University of Waterloo and then some for Athletes in Action but now he tours the world giving motivational speaches and conducing basketball camps, he also runs his company The Point Guard Academy (www.pointguardacademy.com) and makes a couple of stops around the US each summer. This was the first day of a three day long camp and I have to say I was impressed with the skill of some of the athletes at the camp....but trust me none could even play on the same court with our girl Allie! Dale and myself stayed at the basketball camp until about noon when we got on the bus to come home dropping the kids off at aia amusement park (a kind of like big time county fair), if those kids ride some of those rides they are braver than I will ever be. Looks like tonight will be going out with Silva and Stephen for a dinner in Hong Kong and tomorrow is full of two school visits and then the closing ceremonies back at Aw Boon tomorrow night.....it seems like this week has flown by! I really enjoyed watching the Hong Kong kids at basketball camp and I was glad to see that the school brought in a top notch camp leader, I even learned some new drills for the boys of SCMS! I hope that all is well back in the County, I think we are all seeing the finish line as our trip comes to a close, no one is looking forward to the flight home or the jet lag that will follow. The kids have done a great job this week, this has been a great experience for all. Take Care-DTW
A picture of Deanna and the all time winningist coach in Scott County Basketball History.
I guess alot of people could watch the basketball game and you would never know....this is a great pic!
Allie and Mano the basketball camp instructor (she probably could not take him off the dribble).
Allie hooping it up with the Hong Kong Ballplayers.
Moves off the dribble Hong Kong style!
Allie and Mano talking hoops during a break, you can look in the background and see another school's basketball court and how close it is, I guess when they play they just open up the gates!
Allie and the best male 7th Grade Social Studies teacher at SCMS!
Allie, Deanna, and Nicole were getting ready for their trip to AIA.