Today Dale and I departed out of the hotel around 8:00 for two school visits, today both visits were to primary schools. The first school that we visited was Ma On Shan Ling Liang Primary School, this school was located in what is called the New Territories of Hong Kong. This primary school has around 1000 students enrolled but because of the Easter Holiday they were not in session. Ma ON Shan Ling Liang is a religous affilated primary school but is still governemnt funded....that part of the Hong Kong Educational System I find quite interesting! From the minute we walked in the door of this school we were treated like royalty, we exchanged gifts with the princpal Sylvia and lets just say they showed us with gifts. We took a tour around the school (pictures posted), had a tea, and then completed our visit with a private showing of their famous play that was done in the traditional Chinese Language. After the visit we were treated to Shanghi style Chinese food and our bellys were full to the brim. These Hong Kong schools really do take Invitational Education to the limits, the school had pictures of each class blown up on the front door and all of the hallways and classrooms were adorned with students pictures and work (some even framed). This mornings experience is one that we will not soon forget!

Here were our tour guides for the day, they did a great job...all in English!

A young student doing a head stand.

Here is the adorable student that did a head stand for us!

Here was the view from the outside of the school, the teachers said this was the fourth highest point in Hong Kong, if you look closely they said it looks like the back of a horse.

Here are all of the actors and teachers from the school, the Chinese Checker was adorable!

Here is Dale and I with the Chinese Checker and the Frog, this was a first class performance!

Mrs. Jennings here are some parents and students barcoding books in this invitational library....quite impressive (expecially on Easter Break).

Here we are at dinner with some of the staff from Ma On Shan Ling Liang Primary School.
After lunch the second school we visited was also a religous affilated school located in inner city Kowloon (the town our hotel is in), Holy Carpenter Primary School . This primary school was a bit smaller with only around 400 students, this school is in the process of applying for the 2008 Invitational Schools Award, they showed us many great things that that do with their underprivilged students and parents. They had many great ideas on how to create an environment to allow their students to understand success so that they may accomplish it in their own lives both inside and outside of school. Tonight we will be meeting at 6:30 to go and have our farewell dinner with the Hong Kong Invitational Educatoin Delegation, I will probably get up a short post tonight and another quick one before we leave the hotel tomorrow. I will also post a reflection when I get back with some pictures of the trip home, I hope all have enjoyed, I also hope that all that are interested may too also travel with the Exchange Program in the near future. Take Care!-DTW
Below is a picture of the US Delegation with the Holy Carpenter Primary School Group.
This is a picture of Dale and I and the principal of the school, Ms. Cheng Sze Sze.
Here is the teacher's work room at the school.
This is a view of the Harbor from the outside window of the school, quite impressive!
Here is another view of the Harbor from the school.
This is a picture from the school you can see how close the school is located to the harbor as well as see their basketball courts, their basketball team won the primary championship!
See you Saturday night.
Love you lots,
DT-what a wonderful experience you have had. Your pics and information about your days are fascinating. I imaginre it will be hard getting back on to "Kentucky" time when you return. I have issues just changing from central to eastern time! Emily and I have had a quiet time here in the Chicago area visiting family. I have read books and watched a ton of TV. We are going shopping today (Friday) and then meeting with several of my brothers and sisters (remember I have 8 of them!) for pizza. Tomorrow, my youngest sister will have a bunch of the family over for dinner and then Emily and I will drive all day on Sunday to return to Kentucky. I have enjoyed being gone, but there will be so much to do when I return home! Well, Have a good retuen trip to Kentucky - I know it will be long and tedious. I'll see you back at school. MJJohnson
Aunt Roxana says, I've sent you a bunch of notes, but haven't been pushing "other", so I guess you haven't gotten them. This trip sounds fantastic and this lastest blog is your best yet. Can't wait to hear more about the primary school. You'd better hurry home - Harley is running a close second for favorite son. I guess you didn't get Nanny and Pawpaw's note either...Nanny said by something for $100 that they and you would both like....I'm probably sending this too late. Technology is not my thing, as you know. I know your directions said to push "other", but I didn't read closely.
I have really enjoyed your trip from a distance. Thanks for the library pictures. You will have to show me how to add pictures to a blog. None of you show signs of tiredness from being on the go all day. The plane trip will be very quiet with all of you trying to catch up on sleep. See you on Monday!
It was fun being a blogger! Thanks...XD
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