Instead of taking the bus back to mainland Hong Kong, we instead took something that we would think of as a sky lift (thank goodness because I wasn't looking forward to that wild bus ride again...Sis you would have gotten sick on that bus for sure!) This lift took us to the subway which we would then take close to our
hotel (where I finally am now!). You can probably see in this picture that things are not very clear, you would think it was because it is overcast or simply humid, while the fog was bad today I have found that a SMOG covers Hong Kong almost 24/7. I have also found that going anywhere in Hong Kong is a process of buses, taxi's, and etc (below is a picture of Mr. Stowe and Mr. Staker on the crowded Subway going was almost like being in the hallways of SCMS last year)....they basically use every form of mass transit that there is! I have posted a picture that I took on the lift, we took the lift a little ahead of the kids because they staid back to wach the Monkey's Tale Theatre which was about three monkey friends ande their journey that includes greed, gluttony, and friendship.....I am going to try to get another post up tonight, and should have two posts up everyday until we leave next Saturday. We plan on going to an English speaking church for Easter Sunday tomorrow morning and then will be eating Easter Dinner at Peter Wong's House....(Nanny, Roxana, and Momma...dont know if peter will be able to put together a spread like you all can!) It will be my first Easter away from home that I can ever remember...its times like these that you realize just how important Family is :) ...but I am having a great time and experiencing things I have never even dreamed of. Will get off another post tonight, hope that everyone gets their easter baskets on the front porch...I wonder if the easter bunny will come see me at the Royal Hotel, I have been good! Keep those posts coming, look forward to hearing from everyone!-DTW
Mr. Wells,
Wow, that sky lift thing looks really really scary. haha. i wouldnt be able to ride in that.
But it sounds like your having lots of fun, so cant wait til you get back.
Love the picture! I couldn't ride on that! Have a great Easter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Amanda 2nd hour
haha omg! look at stowe!!! we rode on one of those thismorning and i wasnt payin a ttention and it just like took off and i pretty much knocked out this old chineese guy... oopps lol
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