Group @ the A Dome
Today we woke up very early and boarded a bullet train bound for Hiroshima. The students and Patton Sensei visited Miyajima and the A Dome as well as the Hiroshima Peace Park Museum. While I went to Hiroshima with the group I ended up meeting up with them in the afternoon at the Hiroshima Carp Baseball Game (Japanese Professional Baseball). I made the choice not to go back to the peace park as it was quite emotional for me on my visit last year...I will be posting some pictures taken by the kids on that portion of the trip. The baseball game was quite the experience as the Japanese know how to cheer their team on (even though they were losing throughout the entire game). After the game we enjoyed Okonomyaki with noodles (famous in Hiroshima) and then boarded a bullet train back to Kyoto. Tomorrow we will be touring Nara..possibly doing a bit more Geisha Hunting...and hopefully ending our trip with some Japanese Style Karaoke...lets just hope Patton doesnt try to more full day left here in Japan...these two weeks have FLOWN by!
Group in front of Miyajima
Group in front of the Memorial for all victims of the A Bomb

The balloon send off at the game during the 7th inning

The game was rather crowded...around 33,000!

Picture of the inside of the ballpark..if you look close you can see a bullet train in the backdrop..

Agnes famous pose

Group picture with stadium in the background..

Our Okonomyaki Dinner

Jordan marking Georgetown on the Map at Dinner..we were the 2nd group from KY!

Our Okonomyaki being was a group effort!

I think John had a full day of touring!

Picture of our hotel @ Night!!
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