Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 7 Pictures (Thursday) Travels...Great Day!!

So we just got into the Kyoto Tower Hotel...I need to take a breath...HUGE day..lots of stories videos..and we definitely got a rare look at some REAL geishas today thanks to our great tour guide Patton Sensei....Please Enjoy the Pics...Videos (since they take hours to load will be in later post..)...on a side note..everyone tried and enjoyed some cow tongue does that mean we all kissed a cow??

Today's Trip Included
1. Saying our goodbyes to our wonderful hosts
2. Riding a Bullet Train
3. Riding a Subway
4. Put bags away at Kyoto Tower Hotel (link provide to the right)
5. Visiting The Golden Pavilion
6. Eating at a Ramen of the best in Kyoto
7. A visit to a Shogun Nijo Castle
8. Geisha "hunting"
9. Getting a rare glimpse at a bunch of geishas
10. Dinner at a Koren style restaurant....

This is me saying goodbye to a GREAT host dad...Mr. Kawai

Group before leaving Tahara for last time

Pic of Group at the Golden Pavilion

Picture of Golden Pavilion

Eating at Ramen Restaurant

Group at Nijo Castle

The wild ones on top of old Guard Tower

Classic Pic with Col. Sanders.....Tucker is talking to him

This is the group Geisha Hunting...paparazzi



Geisha got in the Taxi...

Group at Koren Restaurant...

Cow Tongue

Cow Tongue...going down the hatch..

Video of the Geisha Hunting...Love the commentary from Patton Sensei!

1 comment:

Greg Fuchs said...

I love those bbq grills in the table. I need one for home. Did you all recognize all the meats? Sometimes it is better to not ask as they might say "Neigh" Horse is mighty tasty until you find out it is horse.