While the trip is still fresh in my mind I would like to put some of my thoughts together....
1. Bottom line Mr. Patton organized a first class trip, not sure it could be duplicated, everything has gone flawless (knock on wood)
2. The group of students...while at times (most times) acted as teenagers they also were alot of fun to be around, you can really tell that they were raised right...this trip was needed for me as an educator because this is the good side of education..the success stories if you will. Parents be proud.
3. The Japanese are GREAT hosts...and are great people in general. They are very aware of their environment and are also very welcoming. Don't get in a gift giving battle with them you will lose.
4. The Food here is great..other than octopus, sea urchin, jelly fish, and squid...I enjoyed EVERY bit of it.
5. The students in Japan are super smart...its part of their culture..not a great focus on sports...just learning... Teachers and Students are still around the school at 9 PM..this is impressive and should be copied by the US.
6. After taking students to DC, Hong Kong, and Japan multiple times I have come to the realization as an educator that the value of getting out of the classroom and traveling is greater than any thing that can be done on the inside...
7. Japan is the most expensive place I have ever been..all of the people dress so nice..I wonder how in the world they afford everything...
8. Hiroshima...this place was breath taking...after visiting Pearl Harbor and then coming here I definitely have a better idea of both of the events. After going thru the Museum here it was an emotional time..almost too much...but it needed to be done. I now have a new perspective to completely doing away with any country possessing nuclear weapons...no good...I was overly impressed by the basically to the point and unbiased history of all sides involved that the Japanese have of this tragic event..
9. I would like to thank all of you students, parents, and just general followers of my blog for giving me an audience... Stay Tuned for a trip to Vegas (pics will be censored) and a trip back to Colombia at Christmas...then who knows...I'll be posting some random pictures and videos that I missed along the way but this is the last official post of Japan 2010...I'm going to keep living that dream!-DTW
Here is my base of operations the last few days..small but efficent...
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